Topics Covered At The Free Workshops
Date: To be announced
Location: Taipei
1. Background Information
Introduction of my education and work background
2. My Son's Story
Description of what happened after my son was diagnosed with ASD and the services that were offered by the government.
3. My Formula To Achieving Success
1. Gain compliance
2. Decrease behavior issues (tantrums and other aggressive behaviors)
3. Decrease stimming behaviors
4. Decrease insistent behaviors associated with ASD
5. Fill up free time with constructive activities to prevent the self-stimulatory behaviors from happening.
6. Teach other family members/support system how to deal with behavior issues and communicate with the child
7. Teach the ABA curriculum
4. What Is ABA?
A description of the Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) teaching method that I used to "cure" my son.
5. The Curriculum
A brief talk about the curriculum that I used to teach my son, which was a combination of what I learned from my professors at UCLA and Columbia University.
6. Teach ABA Techniques To Parents
Demonstrations will be provided. In addition, parents will be taught how to teach their child to:
1. look at them more often (the eye contact program)
2. follow directions more consistently (the 1-Step Directions program)
3. talk more often (the Manding program)
7. Questions From The Audience